Personal Information
When you place an order with Alandrea , we will request certain information, such as your name, telephone number, mailing address, and email address. This allows us to communicate with you and complete your order. We may also use this information to keep you informed of special events such as sale and store front events.
Alandrea will not sell , or share or exchange, your information to third parties. We only collect information to serve you.
Emails sent to Alandrea are not secure and should be assumed not to be confidential.
We may disclose information we collect from you to do so by law necessary to comply with the law or with legal process serve on to us, to protect our rights and property, or in case of emergency to protect someones safety.
to provide better service we may use cookies. Cookies may be used to understand site usage and to improve content of the website.
This privacy policy is effective April 1, 2020. By using this website and its services, you accept the Private Policy. We reserve the right to modify this private Policy at any time.